Tips on How to Pay for Your Wedding

One of the most important celebrations in life is getting married, but depending on how you want to get married, it can also be one of the most expensive. After the initial excitement of getting engaged takes place, you probably have thoughts about how you will actually be able to afford the wedding. While it does take some organization and sacrifice, it is possible.

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To start saving money today, read the following tips on how to pay for your special day.

Set a budget goal – If you have an idea of how much you are willing to pay for your wedding based on what you can afford, take that amount and divide it by the number of months you have to save for it. If you want to spend no more than $10,000 and have 12 months to save, you’ll need to put away close to $850 a month. Sound like too much? Look at other monthly expenses you could cut back on to help you save faster, or think about having a slightly longer engagement. Once you have your budget set, open a new “wedding savings account” and begin putting the money you save into it to help keep you on track.

Cut back on monthly expenses – Take a look at your monthly bills to see which ones are necessities and which ones are wants. Do you have a gym membership you hardly use or pay for several streaming or subscription services? Cutting back on expenses like these can help you save quicker. If you’re looking for other ways to cut your monthly payments – see if you can change your cell phone plan, lower your car insurance costs, or cancel your cable subscription. While some of these savings might be small, they add up over time.

Adjust your spending habits – Do you stop at the coffee shop every morning or meet up with friends every week for Wine Down Wednesdays? Scaling back on expenses like these in addition to others such as weekly lunches with co-workers or buying unnecessary things at stores can add money to your wedding account. While it may be hard to make changes to your routine, just remember the bigger picture of why you’re making the changes. Trust us, it’ll be worth it. 

Make more significant sacrifices – Looking for a way to save more money faster? There are some extreme measures you could take. You could move in with your parents, or with your fiancé (if you don’t already live together) to save on rent. If both you and your fiancé own cars, you could sell one and split the expenses for just one vehicle. While these arrangements won’t work for everyone, if you can manage to do either, you can help pay for a massive chunk of your wedding costs.

Be practical with your credit cards – It’s never a good idea to start your marriage off in debt. And, while you might need to use credit cards to reserve your venue and other vendors, never spend more than you can afford. This means you should refrain from charging transactions without having the money to pay for them. Instead, wait to put money on your cards until you can pull money from your wedding account to take care of the charges.

Find other ways to make cash – Take a look around your house. We bet you’ll find a ton of things you no longer use. If so, gather them up and sell them online. Not only will it help declutter your home, but you’ll also make some extra cash. Do you have talents such as being handy or artistic? Consider using social media to promote your services. 

No matter what your budget plans are, be realistic. Just because you’re planning a wedding, doesn’t mean you have to have zero fun along the way. You can still enjoy things here and there, just don’t carried away.

Planning a wedding in Central Florida and need a venue that will work with your budget? Heathrow Legacy Club offers multiple wedding packages to fit your needs. You worked hard to save for your special day, now let us work hard to help give you the wedding of your dreams! Contact us today by calling 407-562-0170 or by filling out our plan your wedding form online.


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